Year 8 lesson 5 shooting

Year 8 lesson 5 shooting
技术训练-射门 U13
Warm Up

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Warm Up (25 min)

Stretch 5 min

Juggle 5 min

5 min run w ball

3 Stations: Hurdels, speed ladder & Chopping Station (15 min)

Shooting Activity

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Shooting Technique (15 min)

Players directly across from one another, apply shooting technique to play driven balls to one another

CP: Head down, plantar foor next to the ball, land on shooting foot

Finishing Activity

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Finishing Activity (15 min)

Players run into the center box, make shoulder contact with opposite player, then take quick shot on goal

No keepers. 1-2 touch only

Coaching points: Encourage players to put their weight into players & keep balance. Head down over the ball Land on shooting foot.

Progression: Add Keepers

Expanded Sm Sided Game

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Expanded Sm Sided 6 v 6 Game (15 min)

Restrictions: 5 touches before shooting. 2 minutes or 2 goals switch group

Coaching Points: Don't play into pressure, move the ball quckly to create shooting opportunities, Short field so take shots

6 v 6

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6 v 6 No Restrictions (15 min)

2 minutes or 2 goals switch groups

Coaching Points: Encourage Shooting, positive touch onto shooting foot, land on shooting foot