General Notes
Players will be divided into 3 Teams (Yellow) (Green) (Orange) Each player will move around the designated area with a ball at his/her feet.
Aims & Objectives
Players are encouraged to dribble around area with the ball close to their feet and have as many touches as possible performing turns / skills to change direction.
Dribbling with unopposed interface with the challenge of turning where appropriate.
Organisation & Setup
12 Players into (3 Teams)
20 x 20 Yard Pitch
Adaption & Progression
Players are required to move around area only using certain parts of foot upon coaches command.
Outside of both feet, use inside of foot to change direction
Sole of both feet, Perform drag back for change of direction
General Notes
Players are paired up and instructed to face each other with one ball per pair placed between their feet.
Aims & Objectives
Players upon coaches call of "BALL" must Attempt to drag the ball back towards them using the sole of their foot.
1 Point if successful (Ball must be under control to win point) First to 3 then swap partners
Organisation & Setup
12 Players into Pairs
20 x 20 Yard Pitch
1 Ball per pairing
Adaption & Progression
Players now go back to back with ball placed directly underneath them and must attempt to grab the ball from between their legs upon coaches command
Coach to call various body parts and players must respond by touching those correct body parts.
- A gefur sendingu á B.
- B leggur skásendingu til baka á A, sem sendir á C.
- Þið hafið val á milli tveggja kosta, þ.e. að senda skásendingu inn í svæði (Option A) eða í fætur á leikmanni sem vinnur á móti sendingu og rekur boltann (Option B).
- Reynið að lesa hreyfingar þess sem tekur á móti sendingunni, leikmanns C.
- Leikmaður C sýnir með líkamstjáningu hvar hann vill fá boltann.
- Leikmaður A verður að líta upp og horfa til að sjá hvar C býður sig.
- Eins og í 1. hluta, en nú er varnarmaður í rýminu milli B & C sem hefur áhrif á hvaða möguleiki er í boði varðandi sendingarleið.
- C verður nú að bregðast við samkvæmt staðsetningu varnarmannsins þegar hann velur hvort betra sé að fá stungu innfyrir eða að mæta og fá boltann í fætur.
Skipta í fjögur 7 manna lið og spila á tveimur stórum völlum.