Warm Up (15 min)
Juggling (5 min)
Ball Skill Work (10 min): Bells, Toe Taps, Monster Walks, Sideways Rolls ea foot. Players perform skill work to center cone then pass to next player, next player repeats

Glycolytic Power (20 min)
A) Fast Feet (5 min): Player stands on one side of pole or field line. Start on right foot, hop side to side over the pole or line as quickly as possible for 20 seconds. Switch to left foot, then both feet. Repeat all 3 times.
Coaching points: quickness, balance, focus
B) Quick changes of direction (5 min): Players sprint to touch yellow cone, turn & sprint to touch white cone, turn & sprint to touch yellow cone, turns & sprints to touch orange cone.
Coaching Points: quick movement, quick turns, focus
C) Suicides (10 min)

U-shape passing Drill (15 min)
Use half of field. Mimic the U shape of defenders when team is on posession. Mirror the grid
Players must scope the area before receiving the ball. Anticipate pass and attack open space
Play the ball at speed an follow pass.
Add combination play if necessary

Playing out of the back (15 min)
Set Up: Attacking team must play through each 1/3 to score. 2v2in end 1/3. 2v2 + a floater in middle. Man who passes ball into next third can go in to create over load.
Variations: 2 touch
Coaching Points: Offcer angels of support, communication, move the ball quickly

Expanded Small Sided Game (15 min)
6 v 6 ea 2 min or two goals switch, ball starts with keeper
Restrictions: 5 connected passes & one of the following (1-2 pass, short-short-long, wall pass, overlap, etc.) before shooting
Coaching Points: Movement off the ball, move the ball quickly, look for penetrating balls into the attacking 1/3, Immediate Pressure, Cover & Communicati
6 v 6 No Restrictions (15 min)