Area can be adjusted to suit numbers/age
Central area can is 5 x 5 yards.
Teams split in to equal teams, one team inside area with the ball, one team on outside.
Everytime a player recieves the ball they must enter central area and exit through one of the sides.
Players work for 45 seconds, then swap.
Central players exit the central area and plays a wall pass (1-2) with outside player. Upon recieving the ball back players perform actions highlighted by the coach.
Actions can include,
- toe-taps
- flip-flap passes (inside of foot)
- perform two step-overs before entering central area, and two on the way out.
- roll the ball back to central area using underneath of foot, use opposite foot on the way out.
- play a pass to outside player, then recieve back and pass with opposite foot, before recieving back.
- play a wall-pass with outside player, who then enters area with the ball. He must then find a opposite colour on outside to pass to.
Key points
- do players use both feet
- communication
- move to recieve the ball on there back foot.

Area can be adjusted to suit the players ability/age etc.
minumum of 6 players
Two players on ech end, and one each on the sides of area. Players on side of area to be swapped every 1:30 minutes.
Ball starts with player A, who passes into player B. Player A then moves to recieve off player B and passes it to player C. Player C then passes to player D
- Players A & C perform a wall pass before passing wide.
- Player A plays to B, receives it back of B and plays to D, who sets A to play C. Play C then sets D, and the same sequence is performed.
- Player A passes to B who switches ball to D who then sets A. Player A plays a wall-pass with C, who then plays D. Player D then passes to B who sets C.
- Player A passes to B. Player A then takes player B's position. Player B then passes to player D, who sets Player B to play C. Player C then passes to D and takes his place. This way you will get more player rotation.
Key points.
Is weight & accuracy of pass good.
Do players move in line with the ball to recieve it.
Communication of players

Area & numberof players can be adjusted to suit.
Game is a 4 v 2, with the team in possession looking to pass the ball to there ouside players.
4 attackers
2 defenders
Defenders swap every 3 minutes.
Players in the central area must try and pass to outside players as quickly as possible.
They then follow there pass and swap places.
Outside players can pass to outside players, but must stay on outside if this pass is played.
Key points
Do players move to create an angle to recieve the ball
Players move to support ball player, by making runs to move defenders away.
Weight of pass
If a short pass is not on, can central players create a space for outside players to play long
Are passes played into space where they can

Players and size of area can be adjusted to suit numbers/age.
Split group into two equal teams.
- Teams play a 6 v 3, with 3 players (yellow) left in free area.
- When the defending team (3 players) win possession they switch the ball into one of there free players. All the yellow players then re-enter there area.
- Only 3 Blue players must then enter the area and attempt to win the ball. When they do, they pass into there area and 3 Yellow players must attempt to win back possession.
Key Points
- Do team in possession look to utilise the space of the pitch by spreading out.
- do players react to the player in possession and create a angle to recieve a pass.
- Do the defending team work together to win the ball back
- Do the 3 players in the free area keep up with the play to allow a quick transition between defence to attack.

Teams play a 9 v 9
- Teams look to pass forward early.
- Do team in possession look to create overloads
- Team in possession look to use the whole pitch
- Teams can only have 8 passes before a shot on goal on goal.
- Teams only have 15 seconds to have a shot.