Pregame Warm-Up for all age levels for WSSL Teams

10x40 yard area (30 yards from first cone to last cone)
FIFA 11 Warm-Up
- Each exercise is ran 2x
- Jog back to the start line - use as recovery
- Try to have each pair be in sync/unison
- Next pair doesn't start until pair in front reaches first cones
1) Simple Jog down.
2) "Open the Gate": Drive knee straight up, then twist rotating out; Alternate legs.
3) "Close the Gate": Knee comes up but at a right angle to the body, then twist rotating inward; Alternate legs.
4) "Circle Partner": Pair runs to first cone, then still facing forward, side shuffle towards each other, going around one another in a tight circle, then shuffle back out to their side of the channel. Run forward to second cone and repeat.
5) "Jump with Shoulder contact": Pair runs to first cone, then still facing forward, side shuffle towards each other, and jump to bump shoulders, land softly and shuffle back out to their side of the channel. Run forward to the second cone and repeat.
6) Sprint to the second cone, decelerate to then backpedal to the first cone; sprint to the third cone, decelerate to then backpedal to the second cone, etc.
7) 75% pace sprint through the channel to opposite end.
8) "Bounding": Drive the knee up as you "jump/bound" across the channel; opposite arm should come up as your knee comes up; each "step" is a new bound (think long-jump strides).
9) "Plant & Cut": Pairs run across one another to the first cone and plant/cut to then go to cone two; zig-zag across one another through the length of the channel (slight adjustment from actual activity - see video).
Coaching Points:
- Movement
- Body control
- Agility
- Coordination
- Deceleration
- Proper weight dispersion (knees)

10x10 yard areas (adjust accordingly for player level)
2v2 plus 2 (each team has targets)
- Possession game inside the box.
- Team must work the ball from end-to-end to score a point.
- After scoring on one end, next point awarded when played to target player on opposite side.
- Team is allowed to play back to the same target player after scoring; however, it is only for the sake of keeping possession, a point is not awarded.
- If ball is stolen by opposing pair, they must work towards the same attacking objective.
- Play for certain time, then switch pairings in the middle.
Coaching Points:
- Can we keep possession in the 4v2 working end-to-end?
- Body shape of two inside players to receive the ball
- Spacing
- Movement of target players (laterally to follow play)
- Angles of support
- Playing passes to the proper foot (back foot)
- Speed of play
- Playing backwards to same target player to keep possession
- Smaller space
- Two touch
- One touch
- Increase space
- No touch restriction

10x30 yard area
3 roughly equal lines
- Player in Line A stands in front of coach with legs spread open and back is facing the goal.
- Coach plays a ball through the Player A's legs who turns and goes 1v1 with the goalie.
- After Player A shoots; Player B, plays a pass to Player C and Players B & C go 2v1 against Player A who has turned to face Players B & C.
- One shot has been taken, or ball clears the field, all players go back to the end of their same lines.
- Play for certain amount of time, and rotate as a group (A to B, B to C, C to A).
Coaching Points:
- Placement of shot for Player A
- Quick transition to defense for Player A
- Sharp and quick pass from Player B to Player C
- Creating space and movement from Players B & C (Overlap or Take-over Situation)
- Attacking at speed from Players B & C
- How quickly can Player B or C get a shot off (and accurately)