To develop ball control and practicing different attacking moves/feints.
In a square of approximately 10 yards we place a circle or in this case position cones in the centre. Players are separated into groups in the corners of the square.
On the coaches command, players dribble towards the centre of the square perform a feint before taking the ball away to the LEFT, RIGHT, RETURN or STRAIGHT to the opposite end.
The different feints and change of position is pre-determined by the coach.
Coaching Points
1- Keep the ball close to the feet.
2- Make many touches with the ball.
3- Dribbling with the ball should be done with soft touches.
4- Move/Feint - exaggerate the move making a sharp movement in a different direction.

Learning Objectives
To improve moves/feints and the accurancy of passing on the move.
Use an area of 30 yards in length. Each player dribbles the ball to get past the player in the box using feints and various moves specified by the coach.
Once past the defender and before reaching the line the player shoots into the mini goal.
Coaching Points
1- Perform the drill with various players to maitain pace and intensity.
2- Have the players set off at the same time, so that they can compete, the first one to score gains a point.
3- The attacking player needs to keep the ball close to their feet using feints and quick changes of direction to get past the defender and score.
4- Again, change the defenders so that everyone gets to participate.

Practice Organisation
We play 4v4 possession in a 20x20 yard area. A player is positioned on each of the 20 yard perimeter lines. The players inside the grid can pass to the perimeter players if they wish. The perimeter players can move along their line looking to receive a pass and play the ball back into the grid but they must avoid taking too long to make the pass.
- Perimeter player can dribble the ball in and change places with the player that passes to him.
- Play directional
Key Coaching Points
- When the inside player receives a pass from the perimeter player, he should look to open up and see if he can turn.
- Pace of pass
- Body shape
- Think two or three moves ahead
-Stretch area, make the space as big as possible

Learning Objectives
Developing passing, receiving and possession in a small sided game.
Coaching Points
1- Create space, losing your marker to receive the pass.
2- Passes must be of high speed and arrive directly at the players feet.
3- Timing of the runs must be coordinated to the pass.