Learning Objectives
Players travel in pairs up one channel and down the other working on various individual skills. These can be dribbling skills, turns and tricks.
1. Scissors
2. Drag back cruyff
3. Inside and outside hooks
4. Inside / outsides
5. Maradona
6. Ronaldo Chop

Practice Organisation:
*1 goal
*4 mannequins
1. Practice starts with: Player A takes a touch inside, this triggers player B to check out then check in
2. Player A passes the ball to player B who sets player A
3. Player A passes to player C who sets player B
4. Player B passes the ball on the other side of the mannequin to player C to shoot first time
5. Players follow their pass
Practice is repeated on the opposite side.
Other patterns about the mannequins
Learning Objectives:
1. Quality of passing
2. Technique of finish
3. Timing of movements
4. Indicate where you would like the ball

Learning Objectives
5 v 3 possession game in which the outside players (red) are encouraged to find the middle man as much as possible.
Defenders can tackle the outside players and should look to win the ball back as quickly as possible
Coach to feed balls in quickly in order to maintain high intensity.
Coaching points:
Play quickly
Use various parts of the foot to pass the ball
Use of body to protect ball in contact.
Play in the "future" - know your next pass
Find space
Movement to
Play for 2mins then change the four in the middle.

Learning Objectives
Two teams. Each team plays 3 v 3 at any one time.
Players are encouraged to shoot at every available opportunity. If a shot is saved by the GK, play continues. If a goal is scored the defending team go off and a new team come on to attack.
If a shot goes over the end line (even if it misses the target) the defending team goes off and their team mates launch a new attack from behind the goal. The team that had just had the shot then has to react and quickly think defensively to stop the team advancing up the field and scoring.
Teams waiting to come on are encouraged to attack quickly whilst the opposition are disorganised.
Coaching Points:
Shoot at every available opportunity
Look to combine with team mates in order to create scoring opportunities.
Wall passes and third man runs?
Accuracy when shooting.
Defenders are encouraged to press the ball quickly.
Block shots
Press high up the field when in balance.
Force opposition away from goal / on to weaker foot
Recovery runs back to goal where appropriate.

Learning Objectives
Small Sided Game
Coaching Points - Attacking Quickly
- Travel across the thirds as quickly as possible.
- Play forward passes where appropriate (pass over two thirds?)
- Combine quickly in the final third (wall passes, overlaps?)
- Decision making 1v1?