3 players per group
1 in the middle and 1 in opposite end
Player in the middle check in and recieve the ball (1st touch forward 2nd play it)
Coaching Points
Accuracy of pass
Passing mechanics
communication (right or left foot)
Check shoulder
Receive with back foot

Make 2 fields, for free Play
1.Circle of the field
2: 12 players : 6 servers around the circle and 6 players in the middle.
3. Using 6 balls
1.Balls starts in the middle
2. Look for players outside
3. Takes first touch and swich, It must goes toward the middle before passing the ball to next player in the outside
4.Now Players in the outside starts with ball, give the ball to ones checking in, then turns and find a player in the outside, then runs across the square and checks in again. Repeat the process.
Coaching Points:
1.Use the right surface to receive the ball inside the foot.
2.First touch to move the ball in a new direction.
3.Head up for the next action
4. Loking over the shoulder.
Add a defender

Make 2 Fields
Organization: 2v1
Place a small goal
Split the team into 2 equal groups, one with an alternate jersey color.
Assign each team a goal to defend.
If blue scores, whoever scores stays to defend, Yellow team attacks 2 vs 1.
At starts 2 vs 2 then turns into 2 vs 1
Play 2v1 inside the grid to the small goals.
Blue starts with a pass to team mate which checks in
Defenders comes in once check in
If blue scores, The one that scores stays in to defend in a 2( yellow) vs 1( Blue)
If yellow wins the ball, attack on goal
Coaching Points:
Quick transition after scoring a goal.
Quick attack trying to off balance the defense.
1.Use the right surface to receive the ball inside the foot.
2.First touch to move the ball forward and break the line
3.Head up for the next action
4. Looking over the shoulder.