1. 25x25 area
2. Every player with a ball.
1. Players perform series of juggling challenges.
2. After 3-5 minutes, players dribble in open area.
3. Review Messi/Ronaldo, roll, and slap cut.
Coaching Points:
1. Head up.
2. Soft, controlled touches.
3. Use of both feet.

1. 25x25 area with 5x5 square in center.
2. Players distributed evenly as shown.
3. Every player with a ball.
1. Rotation: first player from white lines, then first players from blue lines, then white, and so on.
2. Players perform move at nearest cone before continuing to the opposite side.
3. Moves to perform: step-over and roll step-over.
Coaching Points:
1) Speed of approach.
2) Technical execution of moves:
* Fake to take ball across body w/ inside of foot
* Move foot around front of the ball
* Plant on opposite side of the ball
* Take ball away using the outside of same foot
Roll Step-Over
* Roll ball across body with sole of foot
* Fake to take ball with inside of opposite foot
* Move foot around front of the ball
* Plant on opposite side of the ball
* Take ball away using the outside of same foot
1) Work on both sides (right and left).

1. 30x20 area.
2. Two goals as shown.
3. Players distributed evenly.
1. Server passes across to attacker and pressures ball.
2. Attacker can score on either of two mini goals; defender can score between cone and goal post.
3. Play is over after a goal or balls goes out
4. Players return to back of original line.
5. Rotate roles after 2-3 minutes.
Coaching Points:
1. Positive first touch.
2. Head up to observe space.
3. Look to cut into space behind defender.
4. Selection of move.
5. Timing and execution of move.
1. Add time limit to score.
2. Reduce/increase distance as necessary.

1. 40x30 area.
1. Teams play 3v3.
2. Simultaneous games running.
3. No corners. Can restart with kick-in or dribble in.
Coaching Points:
1. Three lines of attack.
2. Creation of width and depth.
3. Angles and distance of support.
4. Timing of support.
5. Role of 1st attacker - penetrate.
1. Ensure all teams play each other.