First Structured Session for the season.
Focus on touches and movement. Lots of activity. Getting the Keepers involved as well.

Players all in a grid(15 x 15) one ball per player.
1 - Dribble around into space. practice various turns and avoidance moves.(5 minutes) Coaches walk around in the grid. purposely getting in the players way. make sure they have their heads up.
2 - Dribble around the grid, and challenge other players trying to knock their balls out of th grid. If your ball gets knocked out gather it and come watch the progression finish. (2-3 times)
3 - Players pair up. One ball per pair. Pass and then move into space - first touch should be out of players feet and into space. Player who passed needs to recognize space in the direction player with the ball has led with their first touch.

Use Penalty box and a goal. Two cones equal to the top of the semicircle on the same line as the outside of the penalty box as shown
2 Keepers. 1 player starts on the penalty spot. Rest of the player split into two groups and line up on the goal line and the edge of the penalty box. Second player in each line has a ball.
Start from one side. First player in line runs to the cone directly ahead of them. Player with the ball passes to the player as they reach the cone.
2 touch max and pass to the player on the penalty spot. One touch pass to the player who is running, who has two touches to shoot. Player on the penalty spot once they pass can turn and look for a rebound.
Player who shot takes up the position on the penalty spot. Passing player now collects the ball and gets in to the line, and the other side can go. Keepers swap every 2-3 shots. Switch lines. Secind side can start once the Pass to the shooting position is made.
Progression - Add a defender starting from the goal line, starts when the live player gets their first touch at the cone.
Coaching points
- Stike the ball firmly when shooting. Drive it.
- Pass with purpose. Accurately and with pace. Don't admire the pass. move right away.
- Drill must be done at pace.

4v4 Small Sided Game - Setup 2 fields if you have more than 16 can change to 3 v 3. Can have a team on the side and when one team get scored on, then they are out and fresh team in with possession.
1 - Open Play 3 passes before you can shoot.
2 - Same as above 3 touch maximum.
3 - 2 touch
Coaching Points Offense
- Move to space
- Move as soon as you play the ball
- play the ball quickly

Scrimmage Everyone involved. No Keepers
Free Play - No intervention