Year 9 introduction to shooting

Year 9 introduction to shooting
技术训练-射门 U14

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Players in pairs standing 20 yards apart, one ball per pair. Players practice striking the ball with their laces to each other with the focus on technique and direction rather than power. Maximise repetitions of correct technique.


- Head up to identify target, head down at point of contact

- Plant foot pointing to target

- Head and knee over the ball

- Toes down, ankle locked

- Strike with laces through centre of ball

- Follow through in direction of target

Small Goal Drill

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30 x 30 area, two goals in centre. Shooting player takes a touch to get the ball out of their feet and then strikes at goal, again focussing on technique and direction rather than power, keeper gets up and turns around to face shot from other side. Keep the focus away fom power until the players look comfortable with the technique.

Reinforce all previous coaching points.

Large Goal Drill

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1. Set up as shown (Red cone- 20 yds/Blue cones 25 yds)


1. Player A dribbles towards goal and takes a shot. once shot is taken he/she must turn to become defender

2. As player A is about to shoot, Player B passes the ball to Player C.

3. Player play 2v1 to goal.

4. Continue pattern for 2 min then switch roles.

Conditioned Game

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Conditioned game: Players must shoot from outside the cone line 15 yards from goal. Goals scored using correct technique count as 2. Stop the game at appropriate teaching moments to highlight correct or incorrect technique.


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Regular Scrimmage: Coach players individually on the techniques covered without stopping the game.