1. 24 x 24 area setup as shown
2. 8 players (3 attackers & 1 defenders x 2)
3. 1 ball per group (additional around outside)
1. 3v1 keep-away
2. Rule #1 - must call name of player passing to
3. Rule #2 - must receive ball with opposite foot (2 touch required)
4. Defender gets out of middle by stealing ball or catching attackers breaking either rule
Coaching Points:
1. For passes, ankle locked and toe up with supporting foot next to ball
2. Firm passes since 2 touch is required
3. Recievers - point shoulder at player with ball; receive with foot farthest away for open body position
4. Ensure player with ball always has a left & right option
P - 2 teams compete for one minute. Most consecutive # of passes before defender touches ball wins.
P - After 3 passes, group can move grids

1. Setup as shown - one group receiving forward & other group receiving to turn. 2 teams with players alternated in lines.
2. V receiving - pass through gate and receiver takes touch through side gate. Dribble to cone & shoot. Shooter becomes goalie.
3. Y receiving - pass through gate and receiver turns. Dribble to cone and shoot. Shooter becomes goalie.
Coaching Points:
1. Point shoulder at passer (chest in direction you want to go)
2. Receive with farthest foot
3. Receive behind standing foot (chest over ball)
4. No pressure so 1st touch should take you into space
P - Check away and to ball before receiving
P - Add a passive defender (next person in line)
P - Compete (2 teams with alternated players in lines); Individuals keep track of goals scored. After 3 minutes team adds up totals to get winner.

1. 24x24 field
2. 2 teams of 5; 2 players as targets outside of grid on opposite endlines
3. Inside players can use targets to keep possession and will switch places with target after passing to them.
4. Teams score by getting ball from target to target
5. The ball is live at all times so when target receives ball defender should apply pressure
Coaching Points:
1. Ensure player on ball has a left/right/split
2. Inside grid - receive ball with opposite foot (shoulder pointed at passer)
3. Targets should move along sideline to "sharpen" passing lanes
4. Target's 1st touch should take them away from pressure into space

2 teams of 5 + 2 GK
Balls in offensive goal
1. GK rolls ball out to either attacking 2 players. Defender applies pressure as soon as ball is released.
2. If defender or defensive goalie wins ball, 2 counter attackers join for a 3v2 to the other goal.
Coaching Points:
1. Player with ball should attack space and engage defender.
2. Supporting player should make "dangerous" run. Straight/diagonal/overlap.
3. Defender should try to win ball instead of kicking out to prompt counter.
4. Goalie should look to distribute quickly to launch counter.

1. 30 x 50 area setup as shown
2. 12 players (4 attackers, 4 defenders, 2 goalkeepers & 2 support players)
3. 3 yards gates setup as shown
4. 1 ball (additional around outside)
1. Team play 4v4 game inside the area.
2. No sidelines out of bounds. Instead, it's a safe zone for attacking team for 3 seconds (after 3 seconds defender can tackle).
3. Play is restarted with kick ins or from goalkeeper (no GK punting allowed)
Coaching Points:
1.Supporting foot is next to the ball, pointed at target
2. Ankle locked, toe up
3. Follow through towards target with striking foot remaining open throughout
4. Body weight over the ball
5. Awareness of space & surroundings - find passing lines to team mates
6. Receive with farthest foot (shoulder pointed at passer)
7. Use 1st touch to get into safe zones