1.20 x 20 yard area set up as shown
2.2 players per group, set up as shown
3.1 ball (Additional around the outside)
1.Players work in groups of two with no pressure on a number of different combinations
2.Encourage player to use the area and play directional
Coaching Points:
1.Wall Pass
3.Take Over
4.Double Pass
P – Add passive defender
R – Work only on combination

1.40 x 25 yard area, two end zones of 5 x 25 yards, set up as shown
2.8 players (2 Teams of 4) set up as shown
3.1 ball (Additional around the outside)
1.Teams play 2v2 with targets in each of the end zones
2.Teams attempt to play to their target player in either end zone
3.Target players are permitted to move freely inside their end zone
4.Target players in each zone are not permitted to defend each other and must stay inside there zone until they receive a pass from their team mate
5.If a successful pass is made to target, players rotate positions and the team begins their attack in the opposite direction with a dribble into the area
6.If the ball leaves the area the game is restarted with a kick in
Coaching Points:
1.Attack quickly to create numbers up when possible – 2v1
2.If counter attack is not an option maintain possession
3.1st attacker to penetrate with forward pass or dribble
4.Use of combination to penetrate
5.Runs away from the ball to create 1v1 situation
6.Play at speed
P – Players must now run the ball into the end zone to target for a take over
R – Keep targets fixed so there is no interchange of players

1.20 x 20 yard area set up as shown
2.4 players (2 Attackers, 2 Defenders) set up as shown
3.1 ball (Additional around the outside)
1.Teams attempt to score in either of there opponent’s goals
2.If a goal is scored the activity restarts with the other team dribbling the ball back into the area
3.If the ball leaves the area the game is restarted with a kick-in
Coaching Points:
1.1st attacker to penetrate with shot, dribble or pass
2.Use of combination to penetrate
3.Runs away from the ball to create 1v1 situation and open up one of the goals
4.Attack quickly on transition to create a 2v1
5.Play at speed
P – Limit touches to encourage use of combination
R – Add neutral player to create 3v2

1.Half Field set up as shown
2.14 players (2 Teams of 7) set up as shown
3.1 ball (Additional around the outside)
1.Teams play 2v2 in each of the three zones (two wide zones one central zone)
2.Players are restricted to playing and moving only within their zone
3.Teams attempt to score on each other’s goal
4.Normal restart rules apply (thrown-ins, corners and goal kicks)
Coaching Points:
1.Attack quickly to create numbers up when possible – Role of the goalkeeper in transition
2.If counter attack is not an option maintain possession
3.1st attacker to penetrate with shot, dribble or pass
4.Use of combination to penetrate
5.Runs away from the ball to create 1v1 situation
6.Play at speed
P – Limit touches to encourage more combinations
R – No tackling in wide areas only pressing and interceptions