Handball Warm Up
12 players
2 target boxes, 5 v 5 with 2 target players, 20y by 20y area
Ball is played with the hands, players cannot run with the ball in hand, no players apart from the target players are allowed in the target area, players throw to each other, defending team can only intercept and block.
I start by saying the team with the ball can only pass to the target player once they have made 3 passes, once a player passes to a target player they swap positions The team who conceded start with the ball.
First to 7 points or 10 minutes playing time.
This is a good movement to get the players communicating, working as a team, finding space and also has the physical benefits of a warm up.
1) Have to pass to every player on the team before you can pass to the target player
2) Players have to make 5 passes
3) Players head instead of throwing
Unopposed Possession Practice.
30y by 30y area, 3y by 3y target zone, 2 target/support players, 5 red, 5 blue, 2 balls.
Both teams go at the same time, the aim is for both teams to get from one target player to the other combining and avoiding hitting the other teams ball/players.
Change the target players every 2/3 minutes.
Play for 10/15 minutes.
1) 3/2/1 touches
2) Pass to every player on their team before they can pass to a target player
3) Use weaker foot
Opposed Possession Practice
30y by 30y area, 3y by 3y target area, 2 target players, 5 v 5, on ball.
Red team start with possession of the ball and they are looking to get the ball to their target player on the other side of the grid without losing possession, the blue team if they win the ball can pass the ball to their target player - counter attacking. One point is scored with a succesful pass and control. Only target players are allowed in the target area. When a player passes to their target player they swap positions.
1) Adjust the size of the area
2) 3/2/1 touches
3) Pass to each player before you get the ball to the target player
4) Uneven numbers
Game Related Practice
40y by 40y, 2 gk, 2 target players, 4 v 4, 1 ball
Directional game with players looking to score points, 3 points if they succesfully play the ball to their target player, 1 point if they score. Change target players and GK's every 5 minutes.
1) 3 points if they make a 1, 2 with the target player and score in that move
2) Uneven teams
3) Smaller goals