Dribbling Series
- 20 x 20 grid with5x5 grid in middle
1) 1st player dribbles out to nearest red cone, executes trun and passes back to next player in line...repeat.
- Inside of foot chop
- step over
- pull back
- sole-stop-push
2) Players must dribble into 5x5 grid and execute turn (player choice). Players need to adjust based upon time/space and movement of teamates.

Organization of Session
- 3v2
- gates set up on cross shape, 10 yards across
- red player in middles has ball and looks to connect pass to teammate through one of the gates. If pass is not on player must turn/find other options through other gates.
- White players (defenders) may only block gates by standing in them. Defenders can shift around outside to close gates.
- Red outside players must be 2-3 yards outside gates and shift around to find open gates to receive a pass.
- Outside players (both red and white) must stay on outside.
- 3 minutes games
Key Points
- movement
- recognition/timing
- technical quality (passing/receiving)
Coaching Points
- quality of pass - weight/pace & accuracy
- ball should travel quick and precisely
- 'your pass = temmates success"

Organization of Session
- 60x50 grid
- 5v5 +1
- Directional game, one team attacks to one side and defends to other side, always.
- After players get the hang of the activity, need to put in "connect 4" requirement which is where players must connect four passes before looking to score.
Key Points
- no touch limitation (pressure/space should define # of touches)
Coaching Points
- Technical quality
- position/movement of players off ball (side-side-split)
- decision on ball (play way you face when under pressure or have goal scoring opportunity)
- Use of time/space/pressure to create options

Organization of Session
- 60x50 grid
- 5v5 +1 + targets
- Directional game, one team attacks to one side and defends to other side, always.
- "connect 4" requirement which is where players must connect four passes before looking to score.
- To score, players must connect pass to target through the gate.
Key Points
- no touch limitation (pressure/space should define # of touches)
Coaching Points
- Technical quality
- position/movement of players off ball (side-side-split)
- decision on ball (play way you face when under pressure or have goal scoring opportunity)
- Use of time/space/pressure to create options
- Timing of run/pass on entry ball