-Split entire team up evenly
-1 ball
*Go to big goal if accessible
-Team with the ball are using their hands to pass to their teammate. If a player catches the ball they must stop where they are at until they pass the ball off. If a player drops ball or does not catch it possession is lost and the other team starts where the ball was dropped or swatted down. If a player intercepts the ball they immediately go the other way. A point is awarded when a player catches the ball while standing on the end line. If you have goals; one time finish with head or thigh. Begin to introduce the movement of overlapping run.

-20x20 yards
-Set of balls
-Create two gates 5 yards a part as shown
-2 groups split up evenly at each end
-Player A passes to player B then overlaps
-Player B takes first touch forward then dribbles towards the middle
-Player B passes through gate where player A is attacking
-Opposite side then goes
-Players switch roles (passes and runner) each turn
Coaching Points:
-1st pass is made outside from the 1st attacker
-The 1st attacker follows there own pass
-Player receiving the ball (2nd attacker) take their first touch inside to create space outside
-1st attacker runs around their outside
-2nd attacker passes the ball into 1st attackers outside run using the outside of their foot for disguise
-Add defender

-2 attackers + 1 defender line up opposite lines
-Set up 4 gates as shown with two disc cones
-20x20 area
-Set of balls
-Player A passes to player B
-Player C is then allowed to close down space
-Player B drivers at the defender towards the middle of the grid
-Player A makes overlapping run
-White team scores on either two gates (visa versa for blue)
-Each teams scores by weaving through the two disc cones then dribbling through the gate
-If ball touches any part of the disc while player dribbles no point is awarded
-Defenders are awarded 2 points if they score
-Switch roles after 2 minutes
Coaching Points:
-1st pass is made outside from the 1st attacker
-The 1st attacker follows there own pass
-Player receiving the ball (2nd attacker) take their first touch inside to create space outside
-1st attacker runs around their outside
-2nd attacker passes the ball into 1st attackers outside run using the outside of their foot for disguise
-Add extra defender
-Create offsides line

-Use same area
-Place two cones center of the grid to create offside line
-Set of balls
-2 small goals
-Play normal game. Attacking team will always have numbers up to help promote overlap play.
Coaching Points:
-1st pass is made outside from the 1st attacker
-The 1st attacker follows there own pass
-Player receiving the ball (2nd attacker) take their first touch inside to create space outside
-1st attacker runs around their outside
-2nd attacker passes the ball into 1st attackers outside run using the outside of their foot for disguise