Set up & organization
Set up a large grid with measurements to suite your space. In the grid make another smaller grid. Teams split into 3 teams of four.
Two teams play against each other in the middle; the other team is neutral and split up on all four sides of the square. The object of the game is to pass out of the grid to the neutral team; they must try and play back to the team that passed to them with two touches. If they do that a goal is scored. Play 3 minute games and switch teams out.
Coaching points
Look for technique break downs first and foremost
Where is their first touch leading them? Into pressure or away from pressure?
Can they play one touch passes?
Can they receive with multiple parts of the foot?
Can they recognise with and depth?
Can they make runs off the ball that open up space?

Set up & organization
3 area of 15x10 divided in the center as shown.
3 teams of 4 players per area.
1 ball per area.
Player A pass to player B and follows his pass.
Player B receives the ball with the inside of his foot, set up a pass in the adjacent passing lane with the outside of his foot and make the long pass to C, then follow his pass.
Coaching points
3 touches (first to receive, second to set up a pass, the 3rd is the pass.)
Open your hip. Toes up ankle lock.
Supporting foot pointing at target.
Hop to receive the ball open hip to pass.
Set up the pass with the outside of passing foot (do not back up after control).
Head up before passing; look at the ball when making the pass.
Alternate left foot/ right foot.
Make it a contest between 3 grids, the first one that make 10 passes without getting out of the grid or going thru center lane win. Players count loud their passes. Start at zero if mistake is made. Other team now can adjust their pace.
Passer became a defender as soon the ball has left is foot and press the receiving player. No tackling

Set up & organization
On a field size to suite your needs, set up one big goal and two small goals on the opposite corners of the pitch. Teams play 5v4 with the five having a GK in the big goal. Play 3 minutes games, and then switch out teams and GK.
Teams play 5v4 with the five having a GK in the big goal. Play 3 minutes games, and then switch out teams and GK. GK can only roll the ball out. Encourage GK to start play quickly when ball is in hands. Ball’s out of play, 3 second restarts.
Coaching points
Look for passing and receiving technique breakdowns
Can the players open up from GK pass?
Can they carry the ball out of danger?
Can they take a good first touch away from pressure?
Can they make good runs to create space?
Plenty of shots into the big goal.