1. Players use their ball as a paint brush and paint the field. Encourage them to dribble/paint every part of the field
2. "freeze" to get them to stop and listen. Foot on the ball in the control position. (squashing the bug).
3. During "squash the bug" you can have them execute warm up activies like A.hold the ball high over head/bend low to touch toes B.hop like a rabbit. Hop fwd back left right C.run in place

The coach is the "Cookie Monster" Their ball is the cookie. Ask them to shout their favorite cookie. Show a lot of excitement over the cookie selection. If you get their cookie put the ball under your shirt to show the cookie/ball is in your belly. The players must then ask politly "may i have my cookie please" Stress manners and respect. Please and thank you.
They need to get use to someone taking their ball. Variation: Take the Cookie/ball with your feet and have the kids get the ball back using their feet. Coaches must be willing to be silly and act like the cookie monster

A. Split the players into two teams w/ both groups wearing pinnies
B. Have the players line up on opposite endlines stressing their teams "homebase"
C. One at a time select players to dribble to the other end and score in any goal. Stress the correct
direction and boundries. Celebrate each goal and encourage the kids to celebrate or dance for
each goal.
D. On your direction have all players dribble from their "homebase" to the other end to score. Focus
on the proper direction and boundries

only coach participation, correct direction, and boundries
put all balls away but two. One for the game and one for the coach to restart game when the ball goes out. Have players "freeze" when ball goes out. Restart game from anywhere and have parents/spectators retrieve ball.
Collect equipment and review. Boundries, respect (please and thank you).