Organisation - 5 Players 1 x ball.
Players pass & follow ( 1 or 2 touch ) in the following sequence. Before receiving each pass players should check their shoulders.
P = Players passing with their weaker foot

Organisation - There are 2 teams of attackers (3 per team).
Attackers play lengthways through their channel. Place 2 cones 7 or 8 yards/metres into the channel, slightly offset from each other. These are the start points for 2 attackers.
1st attacker plays the ball into 2nd attacker who beats the defender with a pass to 3rd attacker. 3rd attacker then advances to goal and shoots to score.
Whilst the 2nd attacker is receiving the ball, the defender should be putting him and/or 3rd attacker under pressure. The defender cannot retreat back beyond the halfway line.
Once the 3rd attacker has made his shot, he should retrieve the ball and join the queue to come back down the other channel.
Repeat and rotate so that everyone gets to defend and attack
- Timing of run
- Body position to receive to take defender out of the game
- Weight of pass ( Passing into space )

Organisation - There are 2 teams of attackers who follow the passing combination to create an opportunity to score, Top of the diamond sets it back to spin off into the space to shoot.
- Timing of runs
- Body position to receive to take defender out of the game
- Weight of pass ( Passing into space )
Differance between pass into feet and a pass into space ?
Why is it important to get the timing of our runs correct ?
Progression - Add a defender in the opposition half to create 1v1.
- Skill to beat the def
- Movement to play away from def
- Safeside pass to help teammate beat the def
- Positive 1st touch

Organisation - 3 teams of 5 players. 2 teams play against each other whilst the other team play as bounce it players. 1 bounce it player will play on the pitch as a magic man.
Games will last for 3 minutes.
Normal goal - 1 goal
Bounce it goal - 3 goals
Magic man - 5 goals