6v6 swtiching the point of attack with End Zones.
•Area of 40x20yd, with 2 End Zones.
•2 teams of 5 players each.
•Coach plays the ball to either of the teams, players combine to attack the end zone of their opponents.
•Team with the ball plays to keep possession, by switching their point of attack to the outter-most players (full backs), as opposed to going always through the middle.
•After 3-4 passes, they can switch the play to the team in the opposite End Zone, with a long over-the-air ball. Any score following an over-the-air switch play, counts double.
•Coach re-starts the play as needed.
Coaching points:
When in possession:
•Technique of passing
Accuracy and weight of the pass.
Technique of receiving:
Sideways when possible
First touch forward or out of trouble
Timing of check-in
Speed of play
When to pass and when to dribble
Creation of passing lanes to maintain possession.
•Identify the best opportunity to relief the pressure by switching to the opposite side to finish in the End Zone.
•Effective over the air passing technique.
•Communication between players, and teams working towards scoring in the End Zones.
Support forward play
If the ball cannot be played forward look to posses. Move the ball away from the area where possession was won.

8 v 8 to two goals- Using the full backs on attack.
20 min.
•3 goals set-up at Penalty kick point level as shown.
•Set-up a ‘protected area’ (square) at mid-field level for (only) the team of 8 to use on attack. Size should be enough for a single player to receive and control comfortably, an over-the-air ball.
•Three goals placed at the 18yd line as shown.
•Team of 8 plays 4-3-1 (w triangle in the middle)
•Team of 6 plays 3-1-2
•When the fullback enters this zone to receive a ball coming to switch the point of attack, through a long over-the-air ball, no player can pressure the player while inside of this zone.
•Full back can remain inside for only 3 seconds after controlling of the ball.
•Teams play to score on either of the three goals.
•When under pressure, the team of 8, should seek to switch the point of attack, by passing the ball to the full back on the opposite end. This player should proactively seek to stand up inside of the protected area, to receive the ball.
•If the team of 8 scores in any of the 2 closest goals, after a successful over-the-air switch of play to secure zone, the goal counts double.
•Switch teams to provide enough practice time to all players.
Coaching points:
•When in possession:
•Technique of passing
Accuracy and weight of the pass.
Technique of receiving:
Sideways when possible
First touch forward or out of trouble
Timing of check-in
Speed of play
When to pass and when to dribble
Creation of passing lanes to maintain possession.
•Identify the best opportunity to relief the pressure by switching to the opposite side to finish in the End Zone.
•Effective over the air passing technique.
•Communication between players, and teams working towards scoring in the End Zones.
Support forward play
If the ball cannot be played forward look to posses. Move the ball away from the area where possession was won.

10 v 10 with Three Zones to Regain possession, to 3 goals.
25 min.
•Players are organized as they would play in full size field formations. Except no goal keepers, and three goals are placed at the 18yd lines as shown.
•Mark 3 Zones with cones as indicated with the blue lines, to separate the attacking, mid, and defending thirds.
•Players are free to move within areas.
•When either team regains possession in the attacking third, they can score in either of the three goals.
•If the possession is regained in the midfield pressure zone, the team can only score in the center goal, AND in the goal placed on the opposite end of the field when possession was gained.
•If the possession is regained in the Defending third, the team can only score in the goal situated in the opposite end where possession was regained. Goals scored from a successful over-the-air switch point of attack, are counted double.
Coaching points:
When in possession:
•Technique of passing
Accuracy and weight of the pass.
Technique of receiving:
Sideways when possible
First touch forward or out of trouble
Timing of check-in
Speed of play
When to pass and when to dribble
Creation of passing lanes to maintain possession.
•Identify the best opportunity to relief the pressure by switching to the opposite side to finish in the End Zone.
•Effective over the air passing technique.
•Communication between players, and teams working towards scoring in the End Zones.
Support forward play
If the ball cannot be played forward look to posses. Move the ball away from the area where possession was won.