Bayern Munich Combination Play
1. Starting from the top right corner, outside player plays diagonally across
2. Inside player plays laterally to inside player beside him
3. 2nd inside player plays diagonal to the outside (to the player in the top left corner)
4. Combination continues (Inside Diagonal, Across, Outside Diagonal
**NOTE** Players follow their pass

Ordered Passing
1. Players in each grid number themselves off from 1-9 (or whatever the number of players in each grid)
2. Players pass in sequence from 1-2-3 etc in their own grid. Get them to start focussing on where the ball is at all times. Have each receiving player initiate a run to open up to the passing player so they are facing each other.
3. Begin with one ball and start with a maximum 2 touch and have them sprint out to touch one of the corner cones. Make sure they open up to see the grid so they can be aware of where the balls are at all times.
4. Progress to two balls per grid (#1 and #4) but with no sprint out
5. Progress to the same concept but in one big grid. Keep reinforcing that they must be aware of where all the balls are in the grid all the time.
6. Progress to players pass to opposite colours (red to white, white to red), but still in one big grid.
7. Progress to red players have one touch while white players have two touch. Continue to focus on knowing where all balls are at all times, and enforce that the 2 touch team needs to be aware of supporting the white players since they only have one touch.

Multi Goal Game
1. 9v9 game with five 2 yard gates
2. Every pass through a gate (with possession) = 1pt
3. Attacking team cannot score on the same gate twice consecutively while in possession (ie. If white scores on the upper right gate, they cannot score on the same gate again until:
A) They score on another gate
B) They lose possession, and then regain possession
Focus on:
A) Initiating runs off the ball
B) Supporting player with the ball so they can play the way they face
C) Not playing two dimensionally (ie. Creative players will realize that if they cannot play from A to B, that they can almost always play A to C who can then play to B.)