Crossing and Finishing activity that develops the relationship between the fullback and winger as well as delivery, striker movement and finishing.

Option 1 - Cut Back & Across keeper
Fullbacks (A)&(C) start by releasing the wingers (B)&(D) who drive to the line and cross to the 2 strikers attacking each goal.
Rotation A-B-C-D
The strikers (in blue) work in pairs. Striker 1 drives in then drops off for the cut back and striker 2 makes a run ascross the face of the GK. The crossing player can pick which player to hit.
Rotation - In pairs the strikers attack a goal rest then attack the next goal while mixing the run for each option.
Switch players and delivery side throughout.
Add 1 defender to each side
Coaching Points
- Movement to receive by wide player and strikers
- Awareness and recognitionof triggers
- Timing and quality of delivery
- Type and qiality of finish

Option 2 - Front and back area (deep delivery)
Fullbacks (A)&(C) start by releasing the wingers (B)&(D) who drive to the line, cut back and set the supporting FB who delivers from deep to the 2 attacking strikers
Rotation A-B-C-D
The strikers (in blue) work in pairs. Strikers 1 & 2 make front and back area runs for players B & D. As the wide wingers cut back the strikers recycle there runs as shown above attacking the opposite area.The crossing player (FB) can pick which player to hit.
Rotation - In pairs the strikers attack a goal rest then attack the next goal while mixing the run for each option.
Switch players and delivery side throughout.
Add 1 defender to each side
Coaching Points
- Movement to receive by wide player and strikers
- Awareness and recognitionof triggers
- Timing and quality of delivery
- Type and qiality of finish

Option 3 - Front and back area (overlap)
Fullbacks (A)&(C) start by releasing the wingers (B)&(D) who drive infield and pass to striker 1 who releases the overlapping FB. who delivers to the 2 attacking strikers
Rotation A-B-C-D
The strikers (in blue) work in pairs. Striker 1 drops in to link th play while striker 2 gives length. As soon as the ball is played wide to th FB both strikers cross over attackin front and back area. The crossing player (FB) can pick which player to hit.
Rotation - In pairs the strikers attack a goal rest then attack the next goal while mixing the run for each option.
Switch players and delivery side throughout.
Add 1 defender to each side
Coaching Points
- Movement to receive by wide player and strikers
- Awareness and recognitionof triggers
- Timing and quality of delivery
- Type and qiality of finish

Game Related Practice
Double penalty box with wide zones, 6v6 with 4 wide players who act as fullbacks and wingers for the team in possession.
1-2-1-2 becomes 1-4-3-2 when in possesion. Wide players are restricted to zone unless attacking a cross from the opposite side.
The ball does not need to go wide to score
Coaching Points
Relationship between FB and WM
Type of Cross
Striker Movement
Type of Finish