1.Open field set up as shown
2.12 players (6 Attackers, 6 Defenders) set up as shown
3.6 balls
1.The defending player starts with the ball
2.The defending player passes the ball through the legs of the attacking player who is facing in the opposite direction
3.The defending player presses the ball but does not attempt to tackle
4.The attacker must react quickly, retrieve the ball and then beat the defender
Coaching Points:
1.Get to the ball quickly and open up to face the defender
2.1st or 2nd touch should engage the defender to the ball
3.Observe the speed and angle of approach from the defender -
4.Know when to use a fakes and feints, and when to beat the defender with speed
P – Defending player now attempt to win the ball
R – Reduce the speed of the pressing defender to a walk

Defender plays into attacker and follows ball to create a 1v1. Players can score in either goal but must be in scoring zone (between the cone and the goal).
Game should be fast paced and continuous.
Coaching Points:
- Quality of pass,
- Quality of first touch (weight and direction),
- Awareness of defender,
- Use of turns to lose defender and create space,
- Accelerate out of turns/moves.
- Finish!
Bring the goals into the field and invert them so players must make more turns/moves

1.30 x 20 yard area set up as shown
2.6 players (2 Attackers, 2 Defenders, 2 Goalkeepers) set up as shown
3.1 ball (Additional around the outside)
1.Players play 1v1 plus goalkeepers
2.The goalkeeper starts the game by passing the ball to their attacking player
3.Each player attempts to score in their opponents goal
4.If the ball leaves the area the game is restarted with the oppositions goalkeeper
5.Play for a set time limit and rotate players in for equal playing time
Coaching Points:
1.Commit defender
2.Observe the body position of the defender
3.Knowing when to hold, when to dribble, and when to run with the ball
4.Cut into space behind defending player once beaten – close the door
5.Receive the ball sideways on when back is to the goal
6.Play at speed
P – Allow attackers one free touch before defenders are allowed to tackle
R – Play without goalkeepers