1. 10x10 grids
2. Two players per grid with one ball
1. Player 1 lets the ball bounce on the ground and uses their laces to kick the ball into the air, ball must be played high than the players head
2. Player 2 lets the ball bounce then uses their laces to kick the ball back into the air
3. This rotation continues until the ball is played out of bounds or a player cannot get to the ball before the second bounce
4. Points are received by a player when the opposing player hits the ball out of bounds or cannot get to the ball before the second bounce.
5. Games will be played for two minutes, winners will move up a box while the losing player stays. For box number one, the winning player stays and the losing player moves to the last box.
Coaching Points:
1. On toes and stay in line with the ball
2. Lock the ankle
3. Contact with the laces
P - No bounce
R - Two bounces

1. 30 x 20 yard area set up as shown
2. 8 players set up as shown
3. 1 ball per attacker (additional around the outside)
1. The first attackers dribble out to the m annequin
2. Once the player reaches the marker they turn back to the goal, dribble away and then shoot
3. Attacker then jogs through the gate on the side of the goal, collects their ball and rejoins the line
4. Play for 2 minutes then rest
Coaching Points:
1. Head up to observe the position of the goalkeeper
2. Head down at the point of contact
3. Non-kicking foot placed to side, slightly behind the ball
4. Contact Foot – Laces (Instep)
5. Follow through landing on striking foot
6. Follow in for rebounds
1. P – Players run out to mannequin and the ball is passed to them from the next player in line
2. R – Bring mannequins closer to goal

1. 40x30 grid
2. Split the team into 4 even groups.
3. Two of the groups form lines on the end line about 5 yards of the goal post on both side of the goal.
4. The other two groups form lines about 30 yards out equal to the lines on the end line.
5. Set 2 sticks 18 to 20 yards from end line.
6. The balls will start at the top line.
1. Two players from the line on the end line check in to the player with the ball.
2. The two checking players should be about 5-7 yards apart from each other when checking.
3. The player plays the ball in towards the front checking player who dummies the run by stepping over the ball and letting it run between their legs.
4. The front player then sprints around the stick looking for a ball from the back checking player to shoot.
5. The back checking player plays a 1st time ball into the middle of the sticks.
6. The front checking player has a shot on goal.
7. The shooting player rotates to the top line the back player goes back to the line and becomes the front player, the player from the top goes to the back of the line on the end line.
8. Perform the same movement with the players on the other side of the goal rotating each shot between the two sides.
Coaching Points:
1. Checking players should pay attention and focus on their runs.
2. Passes and shot should be 1 touch.
3. Focus on good shooting technique and putting the ball on target.

1. Create 3 lines (Line 1, 2, & 3) of players about 30 yards from goal with a goalkeeper in goal.
2. Each player in line needs a ball.
1. Line 1 will make a move and shoot before the edge of the penalty box.
2. After the players from Line 1 shoots, they need to check into the player from Line 2 for a give and go ball.
3. Line 1 should lay the ball off to Line 2 for a one touch shot.
4. After the Player from Line 2 shoots, they move to defend the player in Line 3.
5. Line 3 should beat the Player from Line 2 and have a shot on goal.
6. Plays stay in lines until allotted time has expired then rotate.
Coaching Points:
1. Angle of approach – off center
2. Head up to observe the position of the goalkeeper
3. Head down at the point of contact
4. Non-kicking foot placed to side, slightly behind the ball
5. Ankle locked, toe down
6. Contact ball – will vary depending on target area
7. Contact foot – laces (instep)
8. Body weight forward, chest and knee over the ball at contact
9. Follow through landing on striking foot